Rails Girls is coming to Bristol on Saturday June 15th 2013 and we’re proud to be sponsoring the event.

Rails Girls was founded by Linda Liukas and Karri Saarinen. The first event, held in Helsinki in November 2010, got over 100 interested girls signed-up for the workshop.

The event, which will be held at @Bristol, aims to provide women and girls with the tools they need to build their own web applications with Ruby on Rails.

Rails Girls Bristol will be a combination of informal workshops and talks where women and girls can learn together in a fun and welcoming environment.

A few of our team will be helping out on the day, as well as a handful of other talented Rails developers from around the Bristol area.

Applications are open until June 7th. You can apply here until then.

Already know Rails? We’d love you to help out! Get in touch via @RailsGirlsBriz 

Finally, if Rails Girls isn’t for you, be sure to check out the Raspberry Pi Bootcamp which will be taking place next door. The bootcamp will involve a range of activities to help the beginner to get going and the expert to share ideas with others. You can register for the bootcamp here.

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