
Music, revolutions and a summer of success for Landmrk

Location-based experience platform Landmark, one of our newest investees, is already taking the music startup world by storm this summer.

Just this month they returned from Midemlab – a prestigious music tech startup competition in Cannes – where they pitched in the finals under the ‘experiential tech’ category along with fifteen of the most exciting music tech startups from around the world.

“The Midemlab track was really well attended and interesting and there were lots of really great companies there”, Landmrk’s founder Seth tells us. “They made a terrible choice by not letting us win but apart from that…”

We agree, Seth, we agree. 😉

Despite not winning the overall title, they returned to the UK with an impressive backlog of accolades in both national and international press. Whilst Music Ally had them down as one of its top 20 hottest tech music startups of 2018, VentureBeat reckoned they were impressive enough to make its ‘5 music tech startups to watch’ list.

Landmrk’s impression has been going beyond just lists however, Retail Week named Landmrk as one of the apps that could save the high street, whilst Seth published his own piece to UKTN on the development of mixed reality in the marketing sphere and its potential to be much more than just a ‘fad’. He was also interviewed by Forbes on how mixed reality is revolutionising marketing.

Words of high-praise indeed. And we’re so excited for the development of Landmrk, from the smaller nuggets of potential to the ‘revolutions’, and thrilled to be a part of what is looking like the start of a pretty exhilarating ride!