
What’s your motivation?

Here’s a variation on the “three masons building a cathedral” story. It’s a simple observation on “purpose”. Purpose is an important motivator greater than any stick or carrot. While we never forget that we are a business, sometimes there are greater motivations than money…

Walking through a “hackathon”. Lisa asks the first coder “what are you doing?”, the coder grumpily replies “I’m coding”. “oh!” says Lisa and walks on.

Lisa arrives at the next coder and asks “What are you doing?”, the coder looks up replying “I’m creating something beautiful!”. “oooh!” Lisa exclaims.

Lisa continues her walk through the hackathon and arrives at another coder fierce with concentration. “What are you doing?” she asks, the coder unmoving replies slowly, “I’m changing the world.” Lisa smiles and pulls out her cheque book…