
Togetherdom Wants to Disrupt the Service Industry

Togetherdom is a startup aiming to change the way we find and hire people for services, both in the home and the wider marketplace. Togetherdom aims to get people working by giving them the power to choose when, where, and how they work.

Togetherdom is the brainchild of Mark Watts who has a long career history in financial services having worked in the UK, US and the Middle East and has seen first hand the effects of changing employee attitudes on the services marketplace.

“Technology is a proven disruptor of traditional less efficient market practices” says Mark. “At Togetherdom, we believe that the provision of services in the UK and other countries is poorly served by the existing jobs infrastructure which has grown out of practices developed decades ago for physical product production.

“We believe that as we travel deeper into the digital age, people will increasingly value their time and also their ability to remain flexible in their approach to work. We intend to provide a service that recognises this growing trend and puts power back in the hands of the individual to shape their own lives around their own goals and needs.”

We’ll be working with Mark and Togetherdom on an R&D, planning and prototyping phase.

If you’d like to discuss your product or startup, get in touch with Simpleweb today.