
The Curve is Helping Organisations Tackle Climate Change

The Curve is a new platform that allows organisations to share and access data that will help them to reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions, tackling climate change faster than ever before.

By sharing data on their energy projects and investments (and the outcomes), organisations can learn from and build on each others’ experiences, overcoming the inertia that is currently preventing many from actually taking action on the range of cost-effective energy management measures available to them. By pooling this experience, the Curve allows organisations to make smarter investment decisions, and in the process, collectively deliver a significant reduction in global carbon emissions.

Users can upload business case information for the energy investments they make including the amount invested, the payback, technologies used, co-benefits, user star ratings and recommended suppliers. The anonymised data can then be viewed by other organisations, enabling them to find the best investments, analysis and suppliers.

The Curve currently has data from 72 organisations including Marks & Spencer, Asda, the BBC, IBM, Jaguar Landrover, BT and Pepsico. Over 230 energy projects are available to view by Curve users, with a total investment value of £346m. Those numbers are growing daily. The data collected so far suggests that on average across the whole range of energy efficiency and generation measures, organisations can expect to break even on their investments in just 3.7 years.

The Curve is the latest initiative of The Crowd and has been developed by Simpleweb.

“We see The Curve as being like a Trip Advisor for energy management” says Jim Woods, CEO of The Crowd. “By giving companies access to the experience of their peers, we’re taking the guess work out of their decision-making. We’re entering very interesting stages for the Curve – we’ve proven that organisations are willing to share data on the principle of enlightened self interest. The next stage is to collect full energy programme data… that’s when the Curve will develop real power.”

Over the coming months, The Crowd team will be focusing on improving the platform and encouraging more companies to get on board. The Curve is free to use for any organisation that is prepared to share one or more of their own energy investments. If you want to get involved, you can sign up here.