
Some TechCrunch love for ContactZilla

We are all very excited to have been featured on TechCrunch Europe today for our ContactZilla product. It’s a great intro write up from Steve O’Hear that’s already brought us a lot of traffic. What a great way to kick off the New Year for ContactZilla! We love tech at Simpleweb, but it’s no match for seeing a stream of tweets talking about all the hard work we’ve been putting in.

In true Beta stlye, we’ve suffered a few performance issues from the influx of the traffic, apologies to anyone trying to review the product that is experiencing difficulty, please stick with us, we do have plenty of server capacity but we need to dedicate more of it to ContactZilla once things have quietened down a bit.

Please do ask us any questions you have about the product, ideas, suggestions, concerns. We’ve got lots of cool stuff planned for 2011 and we have an awesome team behind the product so we’re really keen to deliver the features and functionality that you all want from such a product.

Make sure you keep up to date on the ContactZilla blog for future updates.