
Simpleweb Invests in Health Apps

We are thrilled to welcome Health Apps – the company behind nutritional content app Cook & Count – to Simpleweb’s growing investment portfolio.

We teamed up with Health Apps in summer 2016 to create a new, improved version of their already popular Cook & Count – an app to find the nutritional content of home cooked food for people with (or at risk of developing) health issues like diabetes and heart disease. We are both proud and excited to be working with an innovative young company that puts users’ health first.

“We have really enjoyed working with our clever Simpleweb team on the redevelopment of Cook&Count” says Health Apps founder Deborah Wilder. “We are very pleased to welcome them as shareholders of our rapidly growing business and continue this relationship in the longer term.”

We are continuing to work closely with Health Apps as their virtual tech department and CTO.

Get in touch with Simpleweb today to discuss your startup or product idea.