
SaaS Runner helps startups track the metrics they need

SaaS startups, there’s a good chance you’re not measuring the right metrics.

We’ve worked with a lot of startups and time and time again, we’ve found that key metrics are not given the priority they deserve. In fact, business metrics in general tend to take a back seat and are often ignored in favour of adding in just one more cool new feature.

If you’re not measuring the things that matter, you’re missing a big trick. So what exactly should you be measuring…?

Metrics that matter

Most of the startups we work with have traditionally focused on “vanity metrics” instead of “actionable metrics”. It’s a common mistake and one that has been quite difficult to solve without custom dashboard development.

Vanity metrics look nice and make you feel good about your business, but they don’t help you make decisions. Once you’ve got past the market fit stage and you’re into charging for your shiny new subscription product it’s imperative to keep things simple and focus on what matters most…

There are hundreds of metrics you can be measuring but when it comes to understanding how your business is growing, and to help you make necessary changes, you need to be thinking about at least two main things – retention and growth. How many people are signing up for your product? How many of them are actually sticking around and using it? How much money are users paying? Is your revenue on the rise?

Retention and growth metrics are much more reflective of how your business is doing and allow you to make real actionable decisions.

Introducing SaaS Runner

Using the simple JSON based RESTful API, you can integrate SaaS Runner with your application and start measuring key metrics within the hour.

SaaS Runner’s API creates events for the following actions:

SaaS Runner uses this data to provide information on KPIs like retention rate and revenue metrics. You can even fetch the created events either as a collection or by id.

Find out more about how SaaS Runner works here.

Get SaaS Runner now for free!

We want startups to succeed – we’ve built our whole business around that. That’s why we’ve decided to offer SaaS Runner to you for free. Consider it a gift.

So go on, give SaaS Runner a go. It won’t cost you anything and it could be exactly what your startup needs.

We’d really love to hear your feedback and suggestions for SaaS Runner so please drop us a line on to let us know how you’re getting on.