
Rails Girls returns to Bristol!

Rails Girls Bristol is back! Following the success of the first Rails Girls Bristol event last summer, we’ve decided to plan another one for 22nd March 2014.

Rails Girls is a non-profit community started in Finland in 2010 to encourage more women and girls to get into programming. Rails Girls organisers all over the world are holding workshops to introduce women and girls, with little or no coding experience, to the programming language Ruby and the web framework Ruby on Rails.

Rails Girls Bristol will take place at the At Bristol science centre. We’ll start the day with an introduction to programming and Ruby on Rails before everyone gets a chance to build their own web application from scratch in the afternoon. We’ll end the day with a few short talks from some of our coaches about their experiences in tech jobs before heading to the pub to reflect on what we’ve learned.

A big thanks to the University of Bristol and the Chartered Institute of IT (BCS) for loaning us a space for the event. UoB and the BCS will be holding a DigiMakers event next door, helping people learn how to get the most out of their Raspberry Pi. Learn more about DigiMakers and sign up here.

Finally, a huge thank you to Brightpearl and GitHub for sponsoring the event with us.

Rails Girls Bristol applications are open until Friday March 7th. Apply here.

Would you like Simpleweb to support your event? Get in touch now!

Rails Girls Bristol is bought to you by:

Simpleweb creates small teams of developers, designers and strategists to deliver world class digital products & prototypes. We work with agencies, funded startups and departments within large enterprises.



GitHub provides powerful collaboration, code review and code management software for open source and private projects.


Brightpearl provide business management software for growing retailers.