
Rails Girls Bristol – Proving Coding isn’t Just a Boys’ Club

We had an amazing day at Rails Girls Bristol this weekend! It’s the third time we’ve run the event, which aims to encourage women & girls to take up programming with Ruby on Rails, and it was bigger and better than ever!

Angela Heenan, Development Manager at Brightpearl, started the day with an introduction to programming, running through a brief intro to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Next, freelance Ruby developer Harry Llewelyn took everyone through a few exercises on giving everyone their first taste of Ruby!

After lunch, Anna Baik, Test Manager at Brightpearl, took us through the Bento Box exercise, taking some of the mystery out of technical jargon.

Finally, lead Ruby developer at Simpleweb, Peter Rhoades, led a step by step tutorial so by the end of the day, everyone had created their first ever Rails application!

A huge shoutout to GitHub, Brightpearl, the University of Bristol and the Chartered Institute of IT for helping us put on such a brilliant event.

We hope everyone had a great time and we hope to see you at a Rails Girls Bristol in the near future 🙂