
Our next hacknight at the Fringe Supported by BBC Radio 6 Music Festival

We’re back! For our first event of 2016, we’re hosting a music themed hacknight as part of the Fringe, supported by BBC Radio 6 Music Festival.

Your challenge will be to create a web, mobile or hardware hack with a musical theme. Points for creativity, originality, usefulness and all ‘round general craziness. Join us on Thursday 11th February for an evening of fun, music, tech, homemade food, delicious drinks and awesome prizes.

You don’t have to be a hard-core developer to try your hand at the hack, but, as you’ll be competing with other developers, you’ll probably want some coding skills and app development experience. Non-techie creatives are welcome, but you’ll probably want to get some techies on your team!

The 6 Music Festival have chosen Bristol to host their first fringe festival and we’re super excited to be a part of it. The festival will see over 100 musical and creative events take place across the city. While most of the Fringe events will be hosted over the weekend of February 12th-14th, there will be a range of activities in the week leading up to the 6 Music Festival. Find full details as they’re announced on the 6 Music Festival website.

The hacknight is part of a wider hackathon in collaboration with the University of Bristol and UWE, who will be hosting an ideas hackathon for students to come up with ideas for products that use music to inspire social good. We’ll keep you posted as details emerge.

Don’t forget to RSVP on Meetup. Not a developer? Just leave a comment on the Meetup event to find one you can team up with!