
Ordoo Takes Nearly 1,000 Orders in First Week in London

Ordoo – an app for pre-ordering and paying for food and drink from restaurants bars and coffee shops, and part of Simpleweb’s growing investment portfolio – has just launched in London, taking nearly 1,000 orders in their first week.

Ordoo has been up and running in Bath and Bristol for 10 months and recently launched in 11 venues in London including Oi Hanoi, Ken’s Kitchen and the Big Chill bar.

London presents the perfect opportunity for Ordoo to help people save time and skip queues…

“As busy Londoners start to use the app we hope they will quickly see the benefits and share their Ordoo experiences with their mates” says founder Tom Dewhurst. “We’re determined to make someone’s day by saving them time collecting food and drink. Nowhere but London presents such an opportunity to achieve this mission.”

Visit to find out more or watch this space for future updates!

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