
New Simplewebbers

We’ve gained 4 new Simplewebbers in the last few months and we’d like to introduce you to them.

Kylie joined as Office Manager back in November, taking care of admin and generally making sure the office runs smoothly.

Then Dr Paul M. (yep, he has a PhD in Computer Modelling) joined us in December part time and will be full time as of February. Paul founded web development company World Without Walls in 2001 and is now helping us to deliver products.

Then came developer, Tom C. Tom’s expertise include PHP, HTML and CSS and he’s already proving to be a valuable member of our team of developers.

And finally, our newest addition is project manager Graham. Graham used to work at Futurelab where he explored the use of future technology in education. At Simpleweb, he’s ensuring that UX is embedded into all aspects of the products we deliver. Graham will be on the panel at World IA Day in Bristol on February 9th if you want to say hi!

Let the good times roll.