
New Release: Eat Healthily and Fight Medical Risk with Cook & Count 2

We are thrilled to announce that Cook & Count 2 – the latest app from Health Apps – is now live in the App Store!

Health Apps was founded by Deborah Wilder who wanted to create an app that could help her to accurately measure her son’s carbohydrate intake after he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Simpleweb teamed up with Health Apps in June 2016 to create a new, scalable version of the app that allows users to find out the nutritional content in home cooking to support a wide range of medical conditions.

Users of Cook & Count 2 can find dozens of home-cooking recipes complete with nutritional information (carbs, calories, fat, protein, sugar and fibre) to make monitoring diet super simple for those with diet related medical conditions or those who simply wish to improve their health.

Creating a new recipe is simple and users can select ingredients from a database of over 3,000 items, or create their own. All information on the ingredients in the database are in line with the latest food standards, and any new ingredients a user adds are kept private, meaning everyone has access to reliable and safe nutritional information.

The app is free and users are able to peruse recipes and create up to 3 of their own. A subscription model allows subscribers to access new recipes monthly and create many more recipes of their own. Subscription users can also specify any dietary requirements they have (such as gluten free or dairy free) so that any unsuitable recipes are flagged.

Find out more at the Cook and Count website

If you want to discuss your app or startup, get in touch with Simpleweb today.