
Developing a SaaS tool to improve happiness at big companies

Internal surveys are crucial for big businesses to measure their progress. But what do you do with the survey results once you have them?

Internal communications agency Karian & Box were looking to create a tool that would allow their clients to create action plans for improvement based on the results of internal surveys.


Although Karian & Box had a good idea of what they wanted the tool to do, they were largely unsure about the specifics. We offered to consult on the project, offering advice on features and functionality to help Karian & Box, and their clients, get the most out of the tool.

Once we had decided on the specifics, it was time to get to work on the features…

Customisation for clients

Karian & Box wanted to be able to personalise the tool for each of their clients by offering a branded version that incorporated clients’ colour palettes, logos and copy. All this needed to be done by Karian & Box staff members with little technical background.

To make it as easy as possible for staff, we added a series of forms to the admin panel which allowed them to upload logos, select colours and adjust copy wherever necessary, without the need for any complicated coding.

Different access for different users

We wanted clients to have two levels of access, one for department managers and one for senior management.

Department managers were able to create action plans while senior managers could oversee and create reports based on action plans, useful for comparing departments and deciding where improvements are needed.

So… how does it actually work?

Action plans are created through a series of three quick and simple worksheets. Users can identify and prioritise the best and worst performing areas of their department and create reports for discussion with colleagues. Following these group discussions, users can create action plans, incorporating survey result data and suggestions made by co-workers. We even added a “best practise suggestions feature” which automatically suggests actions based on identified areas of improvement.

Where are they now?

Karian & Box are currently using the tool with two of their biggest clients and have plans to introduce it to more clients in the near future.