
Custom tweets and Facebook posts from your Rusic account

One of the great things about Rusic is it’s really easy to share your actions on the site with your friends. This is all done through your Twitter or Facebook account, and we’ve just finished adding a neat little feature to make this even better.

Soon you’ll be to customise the message it sends out whenever you create a new idea, like an idea or comment on an idea. And not only can you include your own content but you can also give the message some great context too. We’ve made it really simple to drop in tags for things like: the idea’s title, the bucket name, the comment text as well the user performing the action and the idea or bucket owner.

As a quick example, you could setup the twitter post for creating an idea to this:

Hey {{bucket_owner}}, {{idea_owner}} just created an awesome idea 
called {{idea}} in the {{bucket}} bucket, have a look here: {{link}}

Now, whenever a user creates an idea, a tweet is posted from them saying (something like):

Hey @joebloggs, @johnsmith just created an awesome idea called 
"Some idea" in the "Cool thoughts" bucket, have a look here:

This is all done using an amazing templating engine called liquid which was developed by the guys at Shopify, so hats off to them!

We’ll be rolling this out as a feature on all paid account soon, so keep your eyes peeled!