
Client Spotlight: Advertise, Manage and Book Workspaces with Coherent

We’ve recently partnered up with awesome local startup We Are Coherent (based in Somerset) – helping workspace operators manage their space, as well as encouraging workers to connect, network and collaborate.

The parent company of We Are Coherent, Forward Space, has been running co-working spaces for over 7 years and is one of the most successful operators in the UK.

They found that most co-working spaces, which are usually independently owned and run by small teams, often use a system of spreadsheets, email and shared calendars to manage their space.

The team soon tired of such arbitrary solutions and after doing some research into systems for managing co-working spaces, found there was nothing available to help them do exactly what they wanted.

After speaking to others in the industry, the team realised they weren’t alone, and decided to do something about it…

With the Coherent app, managing and booking workspaces will become a whole lot easier. Workspace operators will be able to take bookings and payments in seconds and track and manage all of their users in the Coherent CRM. Members will be able to find workspaces, check availability and make bookings and payments right within the Coherent app.

“We’re all about flexibility” says Ryan McKee, Project Lead at We Are Coherent. “By using a dynamic pricing model and offering unlimited bookings, users and transactions at no extra cost, Coherent can grow alongside you and your community. We take care of all of the mundane administrative work so that operators can focus on the important bit, their community and their space.”

There’s a ton of great workspaces in Bristol (Spike Island, Engine Shed and Create Centre to name a few) and they’re absolutely invaluable to startups and freelancers who get to build great relationships and have access to resources at a price they can actually afford. As soon as we heard about the awesome work We Are Coherent are doing, we knew we wanted to help.

We’re super excited to get our teeth into this project, and we know the Coherent team are excited too. “It’s great to officially start work on Coherent and we can’t wait to launch our beta in the summer!” says Ryan, and we couldn’t agree more.

We’ll keep you up to date here but if Coherent sounds interesting to you, head on over to their website and put your name down to be the first to find out about their launch.