
Bristol to host SouthWest VR Virtual Reality Conference in February 2015

We heard a lot about virtual reality in 2014 and 2015 is shaping up to be the year VR goes mainstream.

Our friends at Opposable Games are currently organizing SouthWest VR, Bristol’s first conference for those working and interested in the booming virtual reality industry, which will take place on 24th February 2015.

The event, which will look at the effects on virtual reality on the entertainment industry (hint: completely transforming the way we interact with entertainment!) will see a number of guests and speakers from some of the world’s leading VR companies including Callum Underwood of Oculus, Phil Harper of Alchemy VR and nDreams CEO, Patrick O’Luanaigh.

Try out the latest VR tech and software including the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 and Samsung’s Gear VR Innovator Edition powered by Oculus.

For more information, and to buy tickets, head over to Eventbrite.