
Bath Ruby Conference 2015: A Brilliant New Conference for Developers in the South-West

We sponsored the first ever Bath Ruby Conference last week and we were seriously impressed. The conference was a hit, with everything running smoothly, supported by a relaxed looking team and amazing speakers. This Tweet from Tom Stuart speaks volumes…

We were delighted to be able to give away a couple of tickets, so we held a little competition and picked winners at random. Our winners were Scott Alexander Brown who wrote this great blog post about the day and Shelley Hope who said:

“I found the talks interesting, inspiring and aspirational with plenty of content that resonated with me (as a newbie), in particular the talk from Saron Yitbarek and (the lightning talk) by the girls from Sandi’s talk used the nursery rhyme ‘This is the house that Jack built’ to demonstrate coding problems that can arise (e.g. later on when customer makes new request) as a result of using inheritance out of place. Her talk showed how making things [Ruby objects] more alike can sometimes make it easier to highlight differences and that ‘nothing’ can sometimes be something i.e. default behaviour.

But it wasn’t just the content of the talks that made it such a special event – I felt welcomed no matter whom I sat next to – so many friendly Ruby enthusiasts! The fact that the percentage of female speakers was so high was another inspirational bonus! The final stand out memory for me was the lightning “talk” one speaker gave where he coded (Sonic Pi) to deliver some techno beats – awesome!”

The main talks were a great mix of both the technical and the inspirational from some of the world’s leading rubyists. There was also some great lightning talks including one from Simpleweb developer Adam Butler, titled Open source everyday, about how to become a better developer by getting involved with open source initiatives.

It was great to meet Phil Nash, Developer Evangelist at Twilio, who was introducing the speakers on the day.

“It was amazing how Bath Ruby packed so much knowledge and inspiration into just 6 talks” said Phil. “I came away with plenty of ideas, having met some great people and hoping there will be a Bath Ruby 2016.”

Phil will be joining us at our Twilio-themed hacknight in April, you can read more about that here!

A massive shoutout to the Bath Ruby team for putting on an amazing event. We can’t wait for Bath Ruby 2016!